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} .contact{ float:right;width:195px;height:23px;margin:0 30px 0 0;background:url("../images/head_btn.png") top center no-repeat;text-align:center;padding:10px 0 0 0; a{ color:#000; } } h2#logo { padding:3px 0 0 0;float:left; a{ display:block;width:526px;height:57px;background:url("../images/site_logo.png") top left no-repeat; span{ display:none; } } } #headAokeiLink { float:right;padding:22px 0 0 0; div { float:left;margin:0 0 0 5px; } } } #baseWrapper { width: @siteWidth;margin:0 auto;min-height:800px; #mainImg { width:1014px;height:335px;background:url("../images/main_img_bg.png") top center no-repeat;padding:6px 5px 5px 5px; } #pageTop { text-align:right;padding:15px 80px 15px 15px; } } #innerWrapper { background-color:#FFF; #kuzu { padding:3px 10px;border-bottom:1px dotted #CCC;margin:0 0 10px 0; a { margin:0 5px; } } .marqueeArea { width:1020px;margin:0 auto 5px auto;font-size:20px; padding:10px 0;background:url("../images/marquee_bg.png") top left no-repeat; .marquee { width:1020px;white-space: nowrap; } } } #leftColumn { width:@leftSideWidth -2px ;margin:0 0 0 3px; .bnr { margin:0 0 5px 0; } .contents { width:@leftSideWidth -20px;border:1px solid #e2e2e2;background-color:#f6f6f6;padding:5px; } h3 { margin:0;width:180px;height:25px;background:url("../images/left_h3_bg.png") top center no-repeat;color:#FFF;font-size:14px;line-height:20px;padding:7px 0 0 22px;} ul { margin:0;text-align:center;padding:5px; } li { display:block;line-style:none;margin:10px 0; } } #mainColumn { width:@mainWidth; .baseContent { width:580px;margin:10px auto;line-height:30px;font-size:14px; strong { color:#336699;font-size:16px; } h4 { border-bottom:3px solid #336699;border-top:1px dotted #336699;padding:15px 0; } h5 { font-size:16px;border-left:3px solid #FF3300;padding:5px 10px;border-bottom:1px dotted #FF6600; } } h2 { width:579px;height:28px;background:url("../images/main_h2_bg.png") top left no-repeat;color:#FFF;font-size:14px;padding:5px 0 0 25px;line-height:24px;margin:0 auto;} .chefArea { width:597px;height:180px;background:url("../images/chef_bg.png") top center no-repeat;margin: 0 auto;padding:4px 0 0 2px; .pre a, .next a{ display:block;height:176px;width:15px;text-indent:-9999px;padding:0;margin:0;cursor: pointer; } #viewportMenu{ width:315px;float:left;padding:0;margin:0;overflow:hidden; ul { color:#FFF; position: relative; /* Enables positionning of elements inside viewport */ padding: 0; margin:0; li{ display:block; width:310px; padding:0 5px;margin:0; float: left; /* Places list items side by side*/ list-style: none; /* Resets default - User Agent - style */ .date { font-size:10px; } .title { font-size:14px;font-weight:bold;padding:5px 0; } .content { line-height:14px; } } } } } .reportTtl { width:600px; margin:10px auto; } #reportAreaTop { width:600px; margin:0 auto 10px auto;height:368px;background:url("../images/top_report_bg.png") bottom center no-repeat; .reportTtl { } .reportA, .reportB { float:left;width:260px;padding:10px 20px 15px 20px; } .title { font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;color:#FFF;height:35px;padding:0 10px; } .lead { font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;line-height:16px;padding:0;margin:0;} .reportA { .low { padding:8px 5px;border-bottom:1px dotted #FF0000;line-height:10px; img { margin:0 5px 0 0; } } } .reportB { .low { padding:8px 5px;border-bottom:1px dotted #336699;line-height:10px; img { margin:0 5px 0 0; } } } .btn { margin:5px auto; } } #photoAreaTop { width:600px; margin:5px auto 10px auto;text-align:center;background-color:#FCFCFC;border:1px solid #e2e2e2;padding:0 0 10px 0; .photo { padding:0 10px; img { padding:5px;background-color:#FFF;border:1px solid #e2e2e2; } } .coment { color:#5f0303;width:260px;padding:10px; .title { font-size:20px;font-weight:bold;padding:10px; } .lead { font-size:14px;padding:0;margin:0;} } } #reportArea { width:600px; margin:10px auto; .reportBlock a{ display:block;width:280px;height:75px;padding:5px;float:left;margin:5px;background:url("../images/report_block_bg.png") top left no-repeat; .name { text-align:center;width:65px;padding:2px 0 5px 5px;font-weight:bold; } .intro { font-size:10px;line-height:14px;width:190px;padding:10px 5px 5px 0; } img { border:1px solid #FFF; } span { font-size:10px; } } .reportBlock a:hover { color:#336699; .name { text-decoration:underline;color:#666; } } .reportBlockW a{ display:block;width:580px;height:120px;padding:5px;float:left;margin:5px;background:url("../images/report_block_bgW.png") top left no-repeat; .name { text-align:center;width:65px;padding:2px 0 5px 5px;font-weight:bold; } .intro { font-size:10px;line-height:14px;width:490px;padding:10px 5px 5px 0px; } img { border:1px solid #FFF; } span { font-size:10px; } } .reportBlockW a:hover { color:#336699; .name { text-decoration:underline;color:#666; } } } #reportProfile { width:560px;background:url("../images/report_detal_bg.png") top left no-repeat;margin:10px auto 10px auto;padding:10px 20px;height:168px; h3 { font-size:18px;color:#FFF;padding:10px 0 0 10px;margin:10px 0 0 0; } .pic { padding:0 15px; img { border:1px solid #FFF; } } .intro { width:435px;padding:5px;font-size:12px; } } .movieArea { width:600px;text-align:center;margin:10px auto 3px auto;padding:8px 0 2px 0;background:url("../images/movie_bg.png") bottom center repeat-x; } .topics { margin:0 auto 10px auto; .low { width:580px;border-bottom:1px dotted #CCC; padding:10px 10px 0 10px;height:20px;margin:5px auto;line-height:10px; .text { float:left;width:390px; img { margin:0 5px 0 0; } span { margin:0 5px; } } .date { float:right;width:190px;text-align:right; } } } .schArea { width:@mainWidth -26px;padding:0 13px;margin:0 auto 10px auto;line-height:14px; .navi { padding:10px 0; a { padding:0 5px; } } } .reporterArea { margin:0 auto 10px auto; .low { width:580px;border-bottom:1px dotted #CCC; padding:5px 10px 0 10px;height:50px;margin:5px auto;line-height:16px; .bnr { } .text { vertical-align:middle;padding:5px 10px; } } .subText { width:580px;font-size:10px;margin:0 auto; } } .btnArea { width:580px;margin:10px auto;text-align:center; button { width:450px;margin:5px; } } } #rightColumn { width:@rightSideWidth;margin:0 4px 0 0; .baseBtn { margin:0 0 5px 0; } h3 { width:@rightSideWidth -17px;height:23px;background:url("../images/right_h3_bg.png") top left no-repeat;font-size:12px;color:#FFF;line-height:12px;padding:12px 0 0 17px;margin:0; } h4 { width:@rightSideWidth -10px;background-color:#9b3700;color:#FFF;font-size:12px;padding:0 5px;margin:5px 0; } .raceInfo { padding:5px;border-bottom:1px dotted #CCC;margin:0 0 5px 0;line-height:16px; a { color:#F60; } .raceWinner { color:#5f0303; } } } /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ #footer { width: 100% ; margin:0 auto; height:378px; background:url("../images/footer_bg.png") top left repeat-x; #footerWrapper { width:@siteWidth;margin:0 auto; li { display:block;float:left;margin:5px 5px 0 0; } .linkField, .linkLocal, { padding:7px 0 0 0; } .ttl { font-weight:bold;font-size:14px;text-align:center;width:250px;padding:30px 0 } ul { display:block;width:1014px; } } .footerAokei { text-align:center;padding:24px 0 0 0; .footerLink { padding:20px 0 15px 0; img { padding:0 5px; } } .copyright { color:#FFF; } } } /* * jQuery Nivo Slider v2.3 * http://nivo.dev7studios.com * * Copyright 2010, Gilbert Pellegrom * Free to use and abuse under the MIT license. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * * March 2010 */ /* The Nivo Slider styles */ .nivoSlider { position:relative; } .nivoSlider img { position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; } /* If an image is wrapped in a link */ .nivoSlider a.nivo-imageLink { position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; width:100%; height:100%; border:0; padding:0; margin:0; z-index:60; display:none; } /* The slices in the Slider */ .nivo-slice { display:block; position:absolute; z-index:50; height:100%; } /* Caption styles */ .nivo-caption { position:absolute; left:0px; bottom:0px; background:#000; color:#fff; opacity:0.8; /* Overridden by captionOpacity setting */ width:100%; z-index:89; } .nivo-caption p { padding:5px; margin:0; } .nivo-caption a { display:inline !important; } .nivo-html-caption { display:none; } /* Direction nav styles (e.g. Next & Prev) */ .nivo-directionNav a { position:absolute; top:45%; z-index:99; cursor:pointer; } .nivo-prevNav { left:0px; } .nivo-nextNav { right:0px; } /* Control nav styles (e.g. 1,2,3...) */ .nivo-controlNav a { position:relative; z-index:99; cursor:pointer; } .nivo-controlNav a.active { font-weight:bold; } /* Slider */ /*============================*/ /*=== Custom Slider Styles ===*/ /*============================*/ #slider { position:relative; height:280px; background:url(../images/loading.gif) no-repeat 50% 50%; } #slider img { position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; display:none; } #slider a { border:0; display:block; } .nivo-controlNav { margin:0 auto; width:210px; height:35px; padding:300px 0 0 120px; text-align:center; background:url(../images/bullets_bg.png) bottom center no-repeat; } .nivo-controlNav a { display:block; width:22px; height:22px; background:url(../images/bullets.png) no-repeat; text-indent:-9999px; border:0; margin:5px 3px; float:left; } .nivo-controlNav a.active { background-position:0 -22px; } .nivo-directionNav a { display:block; width:30px; height:30px; background:url(../images/arrows.png) no-repeat; text-indent:-9999px; border:0; } a.nivo-nextNav { background-position:-30px 0; right:15px; } a.nivo-prevNav { left:15px; } .nivo-caption { text-shadow:none; } .nivo-caption a { color:#efe9d1; text-decoration:underline; } /* Sales Tab rel ================================================= */ .salesTab { width:600px;margin:10px auto; .notice { border-top:1px solid #CCC;padding:5px;background-color:#FCFCFC;color:#FF6600; } h3 { font-size:18px;border-bottom:1px dotted #336699;padding:5px;margin:0 0 15px 0; } h4 { font-size:14px;padding:5px;line-height:16px;border:1px solid #CCC;margin:0 0 5px 0;} h4:hover { background-color:#EEE;cursor:pointer;} .table-striped td { padding:3px; } } /* Caution! Ensure accessibility in print and other media types... */ @media projection, screen { /* Use class for showing/hiding tab content, so that visibility can be better controlled in different media types... */ .ui-tabs-hide { display: none; } } /* Hide useless elements in print layouts... */ @media print { .ui-tabs-nav { display: none; } } /* Skin */ .ui-tabs-nav, .ui-tabs-panel { font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Trebuchet, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .ui-tabs-nav { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 4px; } .ui-tabs-nav:after { /* clearing without presentational markup, IE gets extra treatment */ display: block; clear: both; content: " "; } .ui-tabs-nav li { float: left; margin: 0 0 0 1px; min-width: 84px; /* be nice to Opera */ } .ui-tabs-nav a, .ui-tabs-nav a span { display: block; padding: 0 20px; background: url(../images/tab.png) no-repeat; } .ui-tabs-nav a { margin: 1px 0 0; /* position: relative makes opacity fail for disabled tab in IE */ padding-left: 0; color: #27537a; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.2; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; white-space: nowrap; /* required in IE 6 */ outline: 0; /* prevent dotted border in Firefox */ } .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-selected a { position: relative; top: 1px; z-index: 2; margin-top: 0; color: #000; } .ui-tabs-nav a span { width: 64px; /* IE 6 treats width as min-width */ min-width: 64px; height: 18px; /* IE 6 treats height as min-height */ min-height: 18px; padding-top: 6px; padding-right: 0; } *>.ui-tabs-nav a span { /* hide from IE 6 */ width: auto; height: auto; } .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-selected a span { padding-bottom: 1px; } .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-selected a, .ui-tabs-nav a:hover, .ui-tabs-nav a:focus, .ui-tabs-nav a:active { background-position: 100% -150px; } .ui-tabs-nav a, .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-disabled a:hover, .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-disabled a:focus, .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-disabled a:active { background-position: 100% -100px; } .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-selected a span, .ui-tabs-nav a:hover span, .ui-tabs-nav a:focus span, .ui-tabs-nav a:active span { background-position: 0 -50px; } .ui-tabs-nav a span, .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-disabled a:hover span, .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-disabled a:focus span, .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-disabled a:active span { background-position: 0 0; } .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-selected a:link, .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-selected a:visited, .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-disabled a:link, .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-disabled a:visited { /* @ Opera, use pseudo classes otherwise it confuses cursor... */ cursor: text; } .ui-tabs-nav a:hover, .ui-tabs-nav a:focus, .ui-tabs-nav a:active, .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-deselectable a:hover, .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-deselectable a:focus, .ui-tabs-nav .ui-tabs-deselectable a:active { /* @ Opera, we need to be explicit again here now... */ cursor: pointer; } .ui-tabs-disabled { opacity: .4; filter: alpha(opacity=40); } .ui-tabs-panel { border-top: 3px solid #336699; padding: 0 8px; background: #fff; /* declare background color for container to avoid distorted fonts in IE while fading */ } .ui-tabs-loading em { padding: 0 0 0 20px; background: url(loading.gif) no-repeat 0 50%; } /* Additional IE specific bug fixes... */ * html .ui-tabs-nav { /* auto clear, @ IE 6 & IE 7 Quirks Mode */ display: inline-block; } *:first-child+html .ui-tabs-nav { /* @ IE 7 Standards Mode - do not group selectors, otherwise IE 6 will ignore complete rule (because of the unknown + combinator)... */ display: inline-block; }